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CDN hashes

Some endpoints, like the imageUrl provided by, don't provide a full CDN URL and only provide raw hashes, like this: bbdb80c2b573bf222da3e92f5f148330. We need to turn this into a full CDN URL. A CDN URL looks like t[X] where X is the CDN number. The CDN number ranges from 0 to 7, so you might be tempted to send a request to t0, then t1, and keep going until you reach the one containing the object. This works, but it's quite wasteful as you send up to 8 requests for one object.

A common implementation is as follows:
Create a function that takes in a string hash. In this function, define x to 31. Next, we loop through the first 32 characters in hash, and in each iteration set the x variable to itself bitwise XORed against the integer representation of that character (x ^= chr). Then we return x.

We can then use the x variable to compose the final URL with the pattern https://t{x}{hash}.

Here are some test cases for this function:

func("bbdb80c2b573bf222da3e92f5f148330") -> 5
func("139602eb7c640c43833470e07caada4a") -> 7
func("b717c50234c3d91b0be7dbfc9c588ed4") -> 0


def get_cdn_url(hash):
    i = 31
    for char in hash[:32]:
        i ^= ord(char)  # i ^= int(char, 16) also works
    return f"https://t{i%8}{hash}"

# alternatively:
from functools import reduce

def get_cdn_url(hash):
    t = reduce(lambda last_code, char: last_code ^ ord(char), hash, 31)

    return f"https://t{t % 8}{hash}"
package pkg

import "fmt"

func GetCdnUrl(hash string) string {
    if hash == "" {
        panic("hash is empty")

    var i int = 31

    for _, char := range hash {
        i = i ^ int(char)

    return fmt.Sprintf("", i%8, hash)
defmodule CDN do
  @spec get_cdn_url(String.t()) :: String.t()
  def get_cdn_url(hash) do
    t =
      |> String.to_charlist()
      |> Enum.reduce(31, fn char, last_code -> Bitwise.bxor(last_code, char) end)

    "https://t#{rem(t, 8)}{hash}"

Commands to run, tested on an amd64 Arch Linux installation:

nasm -felf64 cdn_hash.asm -o cdn_hash.o
gcc -m64 -o cdn_hash cdn_hash.o

extern printf, snprintf

section .text
    global main

    push rdi
    push rsi
    push rdx
    push rcx
    push r8
    push rax

    ; rdi is the accumulator
    mov rdi, 31

    jmp .is_at_end

    ; zero-extend the character (1 byte) so the other 7 bytes of rdx do not contain garbage data, from my testing it works
    ; even with the garbage but it's better to be safe
    movzx rdx, byte [rax]
    xor rdi, rdx

    ; increment hash pointer
    inc rax

    cmp byte [rax], 0
    jne .xor_t

    mov rax, rdi
    xor rdx, rdx
    mov rsi, 8
    div rsi

    ; t
    mov rcx, rdx
    ; buffer
    lea rdi, [rel cdn_url]
    ; buffer size
    mov rsi, 55
    ; format
    lea rdx, [rel url_fmt]
    ; hash
    pop rax
    mov r8, rax
    push rax
    xor rax, rax
    call [rel snprintf wrt]

    pop rax
    pop r8
    pop rcx
    pop rdx
    pop rsi
    pop rdi


    lea rax, [rel hash]
    call get_cdn_url

    lea rdi, [rel s_fmt]
    lea rsi, [rel cdn_url]
    xor rax, rax
    call [rel printf wrt] 

    mov rax, 60
    xor rdi, rdi

section .data
    cdn_url: times 55 db 0
    s_fmt: db "%s", 10, 0
    url_fmt: db "", 0
    hash: db "bbdb80c2b573bf222da3e92f5f148330", 0
const getCdnUrl = (hash) => {
    const t = [...hash].reduce((lastCode, char) => lastCode ^ char.charCodeAt(0), 31);

    return `https://t${t % 8}${hash}`;
using System;
using System.Linq;

string GetCdnUrl(string hash) {
     int t =  hash.ToCharArray().Aggregate(31, (lastCode, character) => lastCode ^ (int)character);

     return $"https://t{t % 8}{hash}";
def get_cdn_url(hash)
  t = hash.codepoints.reduce(31) { |last_code, code| last_code ^ code }
  "https://t#{t % 8}{hash}"
std::string getCdnUrl(const std::string& hash)
    if (hash.empty()) throw std::exception("Hash cannot be empty");

    int i = 31;

    for (char const& c : hash)
        i ^= (int)c;

    char buff[100];
    snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "", i % 8, hash.c_str());

    return std::string(buff);
void getCdnUrl(char *hash, char *buffer) {
    int i = 31;
    for (int j = 0; j < strlen(hash); j++) {
        i ^= (int)hash[j];

    snprintf(buffer, 55, "", i % 8, hash);
fn get_cdn_url(hash: &str) -> String {
    let t = hash.as_bytes().iter().fold(31, |last_code, code| {
        last_code ^ code

    format!("https://t{}{}", t % 8, hash)
local function getCdnUrl(hash)
    local i = 31
    for _, code in do
        i = i ~ code

    return string.format("", i % 8, hash)
local function getCdnUrl(hash)
    local i = 31
    for _, code in do
        i = bit32.bxor(i, code)

    return string.format("", i % 8, hash)
String getCdnUrl(String hash) {
    int i = 31;
    for (char character : hash.toCharArray()) {
        i ^= (int) character;

    return String.format("", i % 8, hash);
fun getCdnUrl(hash: String): String {
    val t = hash.toByteArray().fold(31) {acc, code -> acc xor code.toInt()}

    return "https://t${t % 8}${hash}"
def get_cdn_url(hash : String): String
  t = hash.codepoints.reduce(31) { |last_code, code| last_code ^ code }
  "https://t#{t % 8}{hash}"
let getCdnUrl (hash: string) =
    let t = hash |> Seq.fold (fun lastCode char -> lastCode ^^^ (int)char) 31

    $"https://t{t % 8}{hash}"
function get-cdn-url {
    param (
        [string] $hash

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($hash)) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException]::new("hash"); }

    [int] $i = 31;

    foreach ($c in $hash.ToCharArray()) {
        $i = $i -bxor $c;

    return "https://t$($i % 8)$($hash)"
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Text.Printf (printf)

getCdnUrl :: String -> String
getCdnUrl hash = 
    let i = foldl (flip (xor . fromEnum)) 31 hash
    in printf "" (i `mod` 8) hash
get_cdn_url(Hash, Url) :-
    string_codes(Hash, Codes),
    foldl([Code, Acc, Result] >> (Result is Acc xor Code), Codes, 31, Checksum),
    format(atom(Url), '', [Checksum mod 8, Hash]).